Support One Another: Relationships With NMOSD

Living with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) comes with challenges, both physical and emotional. One major challenge of living with a rare disease is finding a "new normal" when it comes to relationships. For many, changes in relationship dynamics can be a difficult burden to carry.

People living with NMOSD have to change and adapt to their diagnosis, and it also affects spouses, parents, children, friendships, and more. This impact is so personal, and yet is a common shared experience for our community members.

Get talking about relationships with others living with NMOSD, who understand what it feels like. Support one another by joining conversations, asking and answering questions, and sharing your lived experience:

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Impact on friendships

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Impact on relationships

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Are your relationships impacted by NMOSD?

Intimacy struggles

This or That

Do you find intimacy difficult with NMOSD?

Relationship status

Diving deeper into intimacy

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