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Have you gone to physical therapy for NMOSD?

People with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder can often experience a loss of mobility. For some, they attend physical therapy to try and regain mobility.

Have you had experience with physical therapy for NMOSD?

  1. Yes! I had physiotherapy for a few months after my attack & it helped immensely.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that it helped! How did it help? What were the exercises like? I'd love to hear more about your experience. -Samuel, Community Manager

  2. I was paraplegic. The PT has helped me exceptionally well. It's been a year. I am walking with forearm crutches outside and without any equipment at home. I am continuing training daily, hoping to return to my normal life.

    1. I hope the PT continues to help you! All my best, Julie (team member)

  3. Yes, I’ve had physical therapy. It got me walking after my attack. But continued PT makes me hurt physically.

    1. Yes when I was first diagnosed with NMOSD in May 2022 it affected my left hand and I couldn't use it properly.
      On discharge from hospital I mentioned PT to my Neurologist and he said that I wasn't well enough for PT.
      After a few months I contacted Social services and they signposted me to a NHS Neuro Physio and she came to my house.
      She was a lovely lady and gave me lots of different exercises, some for balance, some for my left hand and other exercises for building up my stamina.
      I saw her weekly for a couple of months and then she felt I was ok and I was and did lots of walking.
      I then got my GP to refer me to Rehabilation Physio and saw a Neuro physio and the exercises she gave me were very good. I had been flopping on a chair as no-one had ever told me how to do it differently. I was amazed as with the right exercise I could do it.
      This year I asked my GP to refer me to Hydrotherapy and saw a Physio there and he gave me seversl different exercise for my left arm/shoulder and balance. I find this very relaxing and I still go now.

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