Is NMO Causing My Thyroid Issues?

Writing has been a huge help over the last few years with NMO. It's been a great way to share my personal experience with a disease that many know nothing about. Also, it's been a way to help myself and hopefully some others with their issues with NMO. Recently my issues have involved my thyroid.

It’s been months since my last (possible) attack. Sure, I started to lose my vision over twenty four hours, but that was it. No other symptoms that left many doctors confused. A mystery that is still not solved. I probably will never really know and at this point, and that’s ok. I’m truly past that attack and the anxiety it brought me for months.

This or That

Have you ever been exhausted by the time spent in medical settings?

I tucked that experience deep into my memories, hopefully never to be thought of again. But cue me trying to be a responsible adult and make a ton of appointments to get checked out. One appointment was a normal new patient physical. I had a few questions about some issues I was having.

Enlarged thyroid

The physical itself was fine and mostly normal until we got to the issue of my neck. My thyroid on the right side is huge and someone actually brought it up. I had been in physicals before, but it had been since 2019 since I last had one. Well, this doctor felt my neck and asked if anyone ever had it checked out. I said no and no one had ever brought it up to me. It had been like that for about a decade and no one seemed alarmed.

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This doctor sent for an ultrasound, and went through my old scans throughout the years. Sure enough he traced it to 2016.

Cool, another issue. But it seemed simple like it could be taken care of. (That was a lie in my head I told myself.) My ultrasound was about a month after the physical, but they didn’t get what they wanted from that. So then came blood work three times, nothing abnormal in the results. So this just made it worse.

I like answers, reasons, and solutions. I was getting none.

Scheduling a biopsy

My doctor and I talked some more, and he planned to set up a biopsy. Cool, let’s get it done…in four months. Then we got to talking about symptoms and issues, which apparently the thyroid doesn’t enjoy my autoimmune disease - rude.

A lot of my random bodily issues could all come from this thyroid, or so I was wishing so they could fix it.

So for four months until the biopsy, I was torturing myself. I was blaming every issue that came up on this thyroid with no real proof and it was driving me insane. I was spending most of my days inside. The thought of leaving home was a no for me, unless I had to. Medical anything is my trigger and this time it almost drove me to seek help.

Medical issues impacting mental health

Some people can eat up medical talk and be all about it, especially if it’s their own health.

This or That

Is health literacy important to you?

But when it’s my own and I’m not hearing and learning what I need to know about it, it brings me down to that dark hole of depression. I’ve regretted every medical choice I’ve made this year. To the point of canceling several appointments with eye doctors and neurologists. I wanted no part of it all.

The four months passed, and here we were. I had my biopsy which seemed normal but it’s still being tested as I write this. A weight was lifted for a moment but not over yet. But one thing I have felt from the start is still in my gut. I’m done for the year. No more appointments except my Rituxan treatment. I mean if it’s something happening I can’t handle, I’ll go to a hospital.

But until that point I don’t want to know. I’m happier not going through the motions of doctors and waiting. I know hospitals are still short-staffed here, and doctors are struggling to catch up on patients. Right now I need the peace.

Caused by NMO?

I don’t know if NMO has caused this. It’s mentally exhausting and a source of negativity in my life. I will deal with it and only worry about my vision and getting my treatments. Some family are not thrilled, and others understand. Things can change at anytime but right now I am getting better.

Does anyone else experience thyroid issues with NMO? Have your doctors been able to help?

Treatment results and side effects can vary from person to person. This treatment information is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Talk to your doctor about what to expect before starting and while taking any treatment.
This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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