Feeling Bad About My NMO DiagnosisThis video is about how I've been feeling recently and another side of how I cope with NMO. Life isn't always about being positive. It's okay to feel down about... By Haleemah Sarwar1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments4 comments
What It Means To Me To Be An AdvocateIn this video, I'm sharing what it means to me to be an advocate for NMOSD. ... By Shekita Green1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments
NMO Life Hacks Part 2: ShoweringIn this video, I share my second video in a 2-part series on NMO life hacks about showering. Let me know what you think in the comments below... By Shekita Green1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
NMO Life Hacks: Mobility AidsLife with NMO is far from easy. All too often, each attack leaves us with some form of permanent disability. Our mobility being affected the most. Take a look at... By Shekita Green1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What Is In My Infusion Bag?In this video, I share what is in my infusion bag. ... By Haleemah Sarwar1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments
We Asked Mo 23 QuestionsAs we know, NMO is an exceedingly rare disease. When you meet someone who also lives with NMO, it's only natural to want to know everything about them and how... By Monica Jones1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Frustrations of Being NMO AQP4 NegativeThe symptoms that we now recognize as NMO were first described more than 100 years ago. However, without the right technology and testing, it was hard to separate NMO from... By Aldelly V.1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments5 comments
What's in Mo's BagYou never know what you might need to have on you to make life with NMO all the easier. Mobility devices? Incontinence products? Medication? Chocolate? Let's take a trip into... By Monica Jones1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
We Asked Shekita 23 QuestionsAs we know, NMO is an exceedingly rare disease. When you meet someone who also lives with NMO, it's only natural to want to know everything about them and how... By Shekita Green1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments4 comments
What's in Avery's Bag?You never know what you might need to have on you to make life with NMO all the easier. Let's take a trip into Avery's bag and see what she... By Avery Allmond1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Shekita Meets a New ProviderMeeting a new provider can be an intimidating experience. Unfortunately, many providers aren't familiar with NMO or how it's treated, which can force folks who live with NMO to become... By Shekita Green1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments
We Asked Aldelly 23 Questions: Introducing Our New Video SeriesAs we know, NMO is an exceedingly rare disease. When you meet someone who also lives with NMO, it's only natural to want to know everything about them and how... By Aldelly V.1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
What Are You Staring At?When you live with NMO, it's possible you might need to use assistive devices like a wheelchair or walker to get around. Unfortunately, being disabled in public far-too-often invites unwarranted... By Aldelly V.1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Shekita's NMO Life HacksHave you ever wanted some tips for coping with the pins and needles feeling that accompanies nerve pain? Are you curious about after-shower routines that might help reduce your pain?... By Shekita Green1 min readBookmark for laterReactions0reactionsComments2 comments