Yes when I was first diagnosed with NMOSD in May 2022 it affected my left hand and I couldn't use it properly.
On discharge from hospital I mentioned PT to my Neurologist and he said that I wasn't well enough for PT.
After a few months I contacted Social services and they signposted me to a NHS Neuro Physio and she came to my house.
She was a lovely lady and gave me lots of different exercises, some for balance, some for my left hand and other exercises for building up my stamina.
I saw her weekly for a couple of months and then she felt I was ok and I was and did lots of walking.
I then got my GP to refer me to Rehabilation Physio and saw a Neuro physio and the exercises she gave me were very good. I had been flopping on a chair as no-one had ever told me how to do it differently. I was amazed as with the right exercise I could do it.
This year I asked my GP to refer me to Hydrotherapy and saw a Physio there and he gave me seversl different exercise for my left arm/shoulder and balance. I find this very relaxing and I still go now.