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Searching for your symptoms on the internet

Does anyone search for their symptoms on the internet? Do you self-diagnose? Is any of it helpful, or does it cause you more anxiety? What did the internet first tell you about NMO?

  1. I always search for my symptoms on the internet anytime I realize a change in my body. I find it very helpful most of the time. Sometimes I think I’m my own doctor lol!

    1. Hey , thank you for sharing. I love how on top of things you are! It takes a lot to be in tune with your body enough to notice the subtle changes. Do you check in with your doctor after you notice new symptoms? - Jada (Moderator)

  2. NO!! Always check with you Doctor or Specialist!

    1. I go to a neuro clinic here in Trinidad. My appointments vary depending on my symptoms. Currently I see my dr every month and I always get an opportunity to discuss symptoms etc.

      1. Seeing your neuro every month is very convenient!

    2. Sandra ( Moderator)

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