Hands with lightning running through them

Abnormal Sensations With NMOSD

People with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD or NMO) are forced to navigate a variety of challenging symptoms: vision loss, headaches, weakness or paralysis, temperature sensitivity, bowel and bladder issues, and spasms, to name several.

One abnormal sensation that might be an unexpected symptom is a feeling of "pins and needles." This sensory symptom is caused by transverse myelitis, when the spinal cord is damaged by inflammation.

Are you looking for ways to cope? Take a look at what has worked for others. If you figured out what works for you, share with those still struggling. We are all here to support one another, no matter what part of the NMOSD journey you are at. Connecting with one another may help lessen the feelings of isolation that come with a rare disease.

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