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bloated tummy from steroids

Hello Guys it’s been a while am off from steroids but my tummy still bloated. Did anyone encounter same problem? how long will this get deflated? Thank you

  1. Hi, I have the same problem. Not sure how to make it go away and with my NMO symptoms it’s very difficult to do exercise because of the pain and tiredness I get.

    1. hello, thank you for interacting with me. Yeah every one thinks am pregnant, at first its kinda hurting to my feelings but i guess i have been used to it and infact just make fun of it, ,. I am not really sure if this will go away 😞

  2. No problem, it’s great talking to someone who actually knows what I’m going through. I get the same response and on top of all this none of my clothes fit me anymore.

    1. How long were you on the steroids? Do you still continue to take them as a maintenance dose? Everything on me swells because of the steroids, unfortunately when I try to come off of them my body hurts so bad it feels like I have a sunburn, but I don't if that makes any sense. It's hard to explain, nmo is a hard disease to live with, it causes so much pain in different areas of your body, it's hard to tell what is causing it.

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