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Did any of you feel any behavioral change due to nmo?

Lately I’ve been very impatient about everything, rude and angry to myself and to the people I love. Also I have this damn care attitude. I take risk often and I’m not even scared of anything. I prioritize myself and my happiness over everything. I’ve never been this selfish. I was more emphatic towards people.

  1. Hi 😀, honestly I did, not during the initial phase but when I started to recover. I felt like no one understood me except my little one, so I became very silent and isolated myself . All I cared about was my happiness.
    What I personally feel is this disease is such that you can't explain it to anyone and everyone its taxing. So leave it. I am still emphatic towards the community members here but I don't have energy for the outside world as they are too judgemental 🙁 .. And its okay .. good or bad negative or positive whatever emotion we feel it's okay to feel it .. don't be too hard on yourself Noor (Team Memeber )

    1. Hello, this could be because of everything you went through - you’re angry at the world because you didn’t deserve that. You could be taking out your anger on other people. If you’re newly diagnosed, it will take some time to settle because everything is new for you and you need to adjust to your new life. i’d say if it doesn’t get better talk to your doctor because it’s basically affecting your quality of life along with your nmo. I had to go on anti-depressants and now i’m fine, much more empathetic towards people than I was pre-NMO because I realised you never really know what people are going through behind closed doors. I hope things get better for you, don’t feel too bad about it. It’s not your fault. The NMO community are always here for you ❤️ - Hali

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