Oh hun i’ve had to deal with loads of changes. I feel different everyday, one day I could feel on top of the world & the next I'm exhausted and barely able to get out of bed. I was diagnosed at 19 so it’s been almost a year with this disease, I gained a bunch of weight because of medication which lowered my self-esteem. I stayed home for months because I was too embarassed. My relationships with people fell apart because they chose not to understand the condition which felt really bad then but now i’m glad that happened because my life is peaceful without worrying about those type of people. Physically i’m almost always in pain so i’ve had to learn how to cope with it but I also had to learn when to stop doing things because I can’t do as much as I could before my attack. And don’t beat yourself up about not keeping up with others because they don’t have our condition! I’m sure if you have a honest and open conversation with your husband he would understand how much this condition changes us. As a person, i’m completely different than I was pre-NMOSD.