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Symptoms in winter

Hey guys!

Is anyone flaring because of the weather? what do you do to prevent this?

  1. Yes! I keep a heating pad on my spine but I also stretch a little more in the cold months.

    1. I am awaiting my eye doctor to see if he can fit me in but I have been struggling with my vision a bit over the last few weeks. Not sure if it’s repeated to NMO or just regular eye issues.

      1. omg no, keep us updated.

    2. sorry to hear this. I hope the doctors see you very soon to review your eyes!. Are you not under an opthalmology team as part of your multidisciplinary team.?. Do keep us updated and as difficult as it can be, try to keep positive.
      It would be very enlightening to know where everyone is based. I'm in London under a hospital in Central London however my test results for my NMO came from the John Radcliffe in Oxford.

      1. this is very interesting. I can't say I've experienced this yet.... rather the hot weather and heat is my enemy. Try fleece bedding, clothes and heat packs as Avery suggested. Depends on how bad the coldness is affecting you, I've also seen heated gilets you can purchase 😉

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