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Antibody negative

Hi guys.

Firstly I'd just like to say this forum is brilliant. I've enjoyed reading lots of your posts. Very informative 😀

I have a particular query for anyone who was diagnosed with negative antibodies.

I've been stuck in the middle of a battle between Neuro-Opthalmology at at aeye Hospital, and a Neurologist. I have recurring Optic Neuritis (few years), a large C-Spine lesion and what feeling like a million symptoms. All my tests point to not MS.

I can't quite work out who's in which side, but 1 of them strongly believes I have NMOSD 100% and the other is determined I have MS. They just can't prove it. While they fight. I'm getting worse.

The main reason for the fight, is I don't have either antibodies. I didn't realise until yesterday that, while it's less common, people can have NMO and be seronegatibe. You just need extra symptoms etc to back up the diagnosis. But yet they fight.

I would like to know if anyone had a diagnosis being antibody negative and how it came about? What other boxes you had to tick and who ultimately made the decision (if like me your eyes and spine are dealt with at 2 separate hospitals).

Thank you 😁

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