Psoriasis Does anyone in this group have psoriasis along with NMOSD? I have both and my dermatologist wants me to take an immunosuppressant for it. I am already on Ultomiris for...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesTips & Advice
Have you experienced neuropathic itch?Neuropathic itch is a fairly common symptom of people impacted by neurological health conditions, like NMOSD. Is this something you or a loved one has experienced? If so, what helped?...Reactions0reactionsComments18 repliesAwarenessSymptomsTips & Advice
Dating with NMOSDNMOSD can impact pretty much every facet of our lives, including dating. - How has NMO impacted your dating habits? Are you currently dating? Do you use dating apps? How...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesRelationships & FriendshipsTips & AdviceAwareness
What helps you with fatigue? There are so many reasons for why NMOSD might exhaust someone. What is the cause of your exhaustions? What helps you when you are feeling fatigued?...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesFatigueAwarenessTips & Advice
Intimacy with NMOSDHow has NMOSD impacted your ability to be intimate? Share here and help others:...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesAwarenessRelationships & FriendshipsTips & Advice
What keeps you comfortable with NMO? Staying comfortable with NMOSD isn't always easy. Especially in the fall and winter months. What helps you stay comfortable?...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesAwarenessFatigueTips & Advice
Have you experienced heat intolerance? Some people who have experienced their first attack with NMOSD report experiencing heat intolerance. Have you felt heat intolerance?...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesAwarenessSymptomsTips & Advice
Art with NMOSDMany people diagnosed with NMOSD decide to start painting or doing other crafts. There are multiple reasons for this, we would like to hear from you. Do you make art?...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAwarenessTips & Advice
How do you stay active with NMOSD? NMOSD can impact a person's ability to stay active; How do you stay active?...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAwarenessExerciseTips & Advice
Just diagnosed at 70 years old. Is anyone like me out there?I was just diagnosed yesterday. I really didn’t think I had it so it was a shock. I read most people get it in their thirties and forties. My symptoms...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwarenessTips & AdviceNewly Diagnosed