I have had only one attack, but it was major. I was wondering how many people out there had a real bad first onset of this disease. My first attack started after taking an afternoon nap. I woke up and tried to get up from my couch where I was napping and Bam I fell to the floor and banged my head on my coffee table. I lost consciousness and when I woke up I had blurred vision and could not feel from the chest down. I was lucky enough that when I went to the ER there was a Neurologist who happened to be there and he ran tests to confirm that I was suffering from NMOSD. I went through a 2 month therapy in which I did not do well. I ended up with having to have a colostomy and an indwelling catheter as I lost total control of my sphincter muscle and all bladder control, along with the ability to walk. I have been pretty much bedridden since then. This was in 1995 and I haven't had another attack since. I also was one of the first people to start using Solaris when it first hit the market as the first FDA drug to be approved to treat NMO.